
Jennifer grew up in Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from Pratt Institute, where she studied illustration and has over twenty years experience working as an illustrator. Working primarily in watercolor and gouache, her work has appeared in many magazines and newspapers.

Jennifer specializes in Watercolor House and Store Portraits. She enjoys speaking to clients and learning about the history of the house and family who lived there. Jennifer’s travels have also been the inspiration for paintings of shops and restaurants.

Jennifer waited thirteen years for a parking spot in her Brooklyn apartment building, but now lives in New Jersey, where she enjoys an abundance of parking.

Client List

New York Times, New York Daily News, Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, Hartford Currant, The Boston Globe, Long Island’s Newsday, Viking Press, New Jersey Monthly, Memphis Magazine, New Orleans Magazine, Connecticut Magazine. Cosmopolitan, Business Week, Ms. Magazine, MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, Home Magazine, Changing Home Magazine, Decorating and Remodeling, Highlight’s Puzzlemania, Creative Classroom, 3-2-1 Contact Magazine, Scholastic News, New York Public Library’s Events for Children, AARP Publications, Baby Talk, American Baby, Expecting, Mothering, Needlecraft for Today, Audio, Video, Coca Cola’s Resource Magazine, Motor Boating & Sailing, American Lawyer, Student Lawyer, American Photography, Medical Economics.

“Member, Illustrators For Hire